
The special sausage

The Giant eagle owl's chick is getting bigger and bigger, such a weird looking animal....

Anyway, something must be pretty special about a sausage tree close to breakfast point because is the fourth time we find the same leopard happily sleeping on one of its branches. Going with order... we went out early morning and it was brass monkeys, the light perfect, the air clean. Not even half an hour in the drive we spotted the fab 4, the four new big males, they immediately disappeared into the thick but was nonetheless and impressive sight. The boys are moving towards the Kipunji core territory and it will be war.
We saw a lioness after the bridge and another one stalking with no success a herd of zebras after the first forest.
But for sure the cherry on the cake was the special sausage tree and its spotted load, we got it late morning staring at some impalas, it was sitting on the branch and its eyes were darting in the direction of the herd. We found it again in the afternoon but sound asleep.... You cannot keep your eyes off a leopard.. it is too beautiful.


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