
No flight for me

4 cubs from kipunji, two nice squirrels and a big ellie delighted a bit a very sad morning, I was waiting to get a flight to italy for Ambro's funeral. I was ready to jump to the airstrip leaving Festo with the guests. It did not happen, there was no flight that would have brought me in Milan in time. No words can explain how I felt not to be be able to go

In the afternoon we drove north of lulenga juu... I told Festo how bad was that road that cuts 20 mtrs from the river and so I decided to check how would have been a road closer to the river and bam!!! out of pure luck in the exact place we reached the river, down the bank there were 13 lions... we spent all the afternoon with them, they were drinking and playing, and eventually we witnessed something special that I never saw before, one lioness went in the river bed and started digging in the sand, digging and digging again. Exactly as an elephant would have done she reached the water running under the dry surface and drunk for some minutes.... Unbelievable, all her head disapperaed in the hole.

Elephants again framed the end of the day..

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