
Giraffes are weird, people more

Another training afternoon after a lazy morning, yellow winged bats kept me awake yesterday night... they are so cool to watch that I forgot the time (ok, ok also the world cup final was a good reason of the late sleep... but the bats were still cool!! ). Back to today, just some lions at the bridge but not other cats.... the spotlight was definitely on giraffes and elephants for the first part of the drive. We got 2 males fighting, actually when you see them the first thing that comes into the mind is that fight is a big definition for the sort of ballet they are performing. They are so weird, half of the time they miss each other, a sort of capoeira style of fighting, they blow their punch and then they wait the punch back like in a sort of noble duel, the look so harmless but they are powerful and their heads are heavy and you can hear the noise when they hit the target... it is a serious fight camouflaged as a ritual dance... soo weird.
Going on we got charged by a tuskless matriarch elephant that first did a bit of inimidating show and then kept running towards us but with not real fury... as we stopped she stopped as we started moving she started charging... again and again...
We got the lions at the bridge, 7 of them in the river bed, 7 lions and a first one for me in many years in the bush, a pink bus full of young guys... man, looked like a giant strawberry milkshake, weirdest then giraffes fighting...
On the way back to camp and back to normality (no pink things around) two Giant eagle owls completed the day, together with the 2 hyena's puppies suckling from the mother at the den... sooo cute.

1 comment:

  1. what a day!! bats are ubercool, they look like Barysnikov ready for the Nutcracker + fur collar!
