
Three new cubs and a buffalo herd

Late wake up call, waiting to pick up a new guest. Out on camp road we spotted 2 lionesses with three new cubs, they are around three months and still scared of the car. They should be part of the mbagi pride but we will be sure once we will see them again.
On the way back from the airstrip we had nice ellies with a little calf happily suckling from the matriarch
In the afternoon we just enjoyed a huge herd of buffaloes just a couple of kilometers down from camp. The light was perfect as they were walking out after drinking. As they often do, they started running for no reason other then another car approaching, actually, one started running.... and all the others probably tought.... maaannn, he is running! he must have seen something dangerous! let's ruuuuunnnnnnn!!!.... and so they did. It was great, the dust, the orange light of the sunset and hundreds of buffs stampeding throught the grass.

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